What’s the Deal with CoQ10?
If you are on cholesterol medication, chances are that you’ve heard of CoQ10 before. Chances are that you’ve even been advised to take a CoQ10 supplement because of the statin (cholesterol) medication you’re on. There’s been some buzz around CoQ10 as more studies reveal the vital role and function it has in our body’s energy production, vitality and health. What Does CoQ10 Do? Coenzyme Q10, also knowns as CoQ10, is a fat-soluble compound that helps cells generate energy and protects against cell damage with its antioxidative properties. Within the mitochondria of cells, CoQ10 helps to produce ATP energy. Therefore, CoQ10 is present in all cells of the body, but can be found in greatest concentration in the liver, heart, kidneys, and lungs. This compound supports energy production but also protects these active tissues from oxidative stress; hence, its antioxidant function. ...